The cryptocurrencies as raw material ~ En Efectivo

25 mar 2018

The cryptocurrencies as raw material


By Alex Vallenilla / @alexvallenilla

The bits are to computer science, what corn is to agriculture. Starting from this principle, programming languages ​​can be defined as a form of raw material in the technological sector. In this enter the codes that define the character and functionality of each cryptocurrency. It happens that with the emergence of Bitcoin, once he said it was digital. At present, the cryptocurrency must be emphasized in money, although there is an exchange between them, so far, in large proportion, in speculation, and in the global political and financial system, the last masked because it interprets that the irruption of the combination of the cryptography, the networks between the pairs and the distributed database, is a form of rebellion that stagnates in the system, when involving aspects with the elimination of the intermediaries, the transfer of protected data by cryptograms by the consensus of a red that allows anonymity and the interpretation that you have of issuing money finitely.

The development of Bitcoin has generated 1,500 cryptocurrencies, with different functionality each, in addition to the development of solutions for the financial industry and other sectors that are in the process. Reduce the concept that this technology is digital money is simple, especially when within the same community, arise antagonistic positions such as the bifurcation that creates Bitcoin Cash and Bitcoin Gold, in the search for solutions to Bitcoin transfers. The creation of Litecoin, which reduces the cost of transfers and the time of construction of blocks by miners. The smart contracts that enhance the use of Ethereum, in addition to the improvements in Dashcoin, the possibilities of Namecoin with the DNS. Even the launch of Dogecoin, which can now be used as a parody and is now a serious version as the means of payment and the transfer of value. Bitcoin has shown that all mining products, cloud mining, the design of class websites, exchange type websites, has created new and specific media, impacting the energy sector and making them news, and that admit tax payments with this asset. It is a raw material that is moving the world in a different way, it is like when the discovery of oil, everything changed.

Just as corn is traded on world markets, it begins to happen and to understand, with the bit commerce, the sale of data secured by cryptograms. Use software, which allows sending data from one user to another, verified by a whole network, impossible to duplicate or falsify the elements, the injectors, the cash injection in money, the engine of the developers, the technological turn. they managed large amounts of money for each project, many years of failure and others with great success, without a doubt, at this moment it is in the phase of euphoria. Still depends on the fiduciary money to determine the value of it, some point out that the time will come when a Satoshi, will be worth a Satoshi and that could be exchanged for goods.

The big banks begin to enter the business. Many important exchanges in the world have behind them funds from conventional banks, in addition to using block chain technology for their own solutions. It is at this point that the purpose of cryptanalysts could be lost, when large corporations, those that are challenged with the decentralization of networks, with free exchange, to be adopted by the industry. In the Bitcoin section as a raw material, a commodity or merchandise, to the point that an ETF was created to be traded in future markets, which has nothing to do with the money that is used in the ecosystem itself. cryptocurrencies, which is speculated with the fiduciary money with the price of the same in conventional markets, which has the same differences between the market and the place of the North American stock exchanges that have lists in their options. 03/25/2018

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