The war against cryptocurrencies is absurd ~ En Efectivo

1 abr 2018

The war against cryptocurrencies is absurd


By Alex Vallenilla / @alexvallenilla

The news about regulations and the prohibitions of the main social networks against the publication of announcements of launch of new cryptocurrencies should not frighten anyone, this has been the reason for the correction of recent prices of bitcoin, ethereum, litecoin, dashcoin, among others Also the strong sale of 400 million dollars by a lawyer from Tokyo, who holds the trust of Mt Gox, put downward pressure on the market, placed the high volume in bitcoins and caused the fall, which dragged others.

Cryptocurrencies continue to break into the world

In the case of litecoin, the LitePay project collapsed, there were no agreements for VISA to issue the debit card that would allow the use of this cryptocurrency for payments worldwide, a regrettable event. However, new projects will emerge.

As for the regulations, it should not be surprising. The irruption of cryptocurrencies moves the foundations of the main centers of power, both political and financial, the fact that the blockchain technology allows to trade digital assets, with reference to prices in fiat money and whose values ​​have risen even more than monetary gold , at least so far in bitcoin, has set off the alarms, because the decentralization of commercial interactivity, with this resource, does not allow for full controls, one of the reasons why China rejects bitcoin.

It has been that way in history. When the car appeared, the railroad companies, which were then powerful, promoted regulations for the use of the new invention, to the point of obliging in principle that a car could not go more than six kilometers per hour. Before the invention of the printing press, only the powerful of those times, the monarchies and the Church, knew how to read and the use of books was extremely limited, Gutemberg with his invention produced a change, there were those who imprisoned and condemned for having books, considered then a crime. When Tesla discovers the alternating current, JP Morgan paid campaigns against the use of the same, until he managed to subdue Westinghouse and force him to sell the whole project to be patented by the banker and create General Electric. Rockefeller, did the same against JP Morgan, when he promoted the lighting with the light bulb, causing people to stop using the kerosene of the oil tycoon, thanks to the car, Rockefeller is maintained because he invents gasoline. Now the same thing happens with cryptocurrencies.

The current system, dominated by politicians and bankers who issue debt and money without any control in the main countries and who have the world on the verge of a financial catastrophe, have seen in the cryptocurrencies a latent threat, a form of protest, being these products of cyber anarchism. The attacks are not going to give way, the negative news will continue to emerge, as well as the car, the printing press, the light bulb and gasoline, the cryptocurrencies came to change the world, people will continue to understand its use, which will continue to be extended and developed in every time new and better projects. The proviso is that in the modality of the initial offers (ICO), there have been any number of irregularities, many companies that have emerged offer only 10% of the tokens that they want to put into circulation, others have resulted in scams, however this it does not imply that the whole system is the same, the user must take precautions and precautions before selecting any, before he must also answer, what he is going to do with a cryptocurrency. 04/01/2018

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